Taylor Alison Swift. Ya, itu adalah salah satu penyanyi sekaligus penulis lagu tersukses saat ini. Fansnya yang diberi julukan 'Swifties' pun mulai merajalela di permukaan bumi (salah satunya aku). Okey kali ini, aku 'kasih' kalian quotes from Taylor yang pastinya keren dan bermanfaat. Ayo kita baca bersama :)
"I don't usually follow trends. I try to wear things that I can look back on in 30 years and be happy about!"
"The dreamer in me hopes one day someone will forget what the world thinks and say I love you and that's all I really know."
"Don’t cry for love. If he’s the one, he’ll never make you cry."
"No matter how many people give me advice, I'm going to do what my heart tells me to do."
"Time is the only thing that can heal a broken heart."
"I believe that good things come back around, things get better, and things change."
"Be careful with what you say because a girl remembers everything."
"Sometimes the person you'd take the bullet for is the person behind the trigger"
"One of the most important things about social media is knowing when to put the phone down and experience your life."
"When you’re singing you can hear the echo of people in the audience singing every single word with you... that was my big dream."
"I think that a great song will make you cry and give you chills. A great song says how you feel better than you ever could."
"Don't find love. Let it find you. It's called falling in love because you don't force yourself to fall. You just do."
"I try hard just to experience the joy and celebrate it…rather than fearing that I'll say something stupid and everyone will hate me."
"Cause they don’t tell you they’re building you up just to try and knock you down."
"Love is a big mystery - and that’s why I love to write about it."
"I'm not that complicated. My complications come out in my songs, all you have to do to be my friend is like me and listen."
Red may means jealousy, anger all those crazy feelings. Those feeling are all very like a hundred miles per hour. Zero to a hundred.
"You can spend so much time wanting someone and just being too scared to admit it."
"We wait till it's almost too late to say how we really feel."
"I think that my life would definitely be the color red right now; if it had to be a color because it’s just bold."
In the context of taylor's music, color red signifies deep emotion, crazy emotion, passion, affection, being in love with someone.
"My albums are always going to revolve around a confessional storyline and filling my fans in on what my life has actually been."
"I think the color red is one that’s very bold and dangerous and adventurous and daring. "
"I write songs because sometimes life makes more sense to me when it’s being sung in a chorus, and when I can write it in a verse."
"Genres are a way to categorize music. But it doesn't have to define you. It doesn't have to limit you."
"I absolutely love my life, but things aren't okay all the time. So I don’t sing about things being okay all the time."
"I write songs to help me understand life a little more and to get past things that cause me pain."
"No matter how many people give me advice, I'm going to do what my heart tells me to do."
"Don't be mean to someone. You never know who's a songwriter"
"It's not our job to make people like us if they don't want to."
Yeay, cukup sekian kata-kata from Taylor Swift yang mungkin masih ada kurangnya :) Mohon maaf kalo ada kesalahan-kesalahan teknis yang tak sengaja aku buat. Thanks for reading, guys :)
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